
Welcome to the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Environmental Department Page

The yakutat tlingit tribe environmental department

The Environmental Department continues our environmental stewardship responsibilities through monitoring and assessing our environmental conditions, providing education and outreach to tribal citizens, and collaborating with other organizations to address environmental priorities in the community. Our current projects: protecting our traditional food’s security by monitoring our waters and shellfish for harmful algal blooms (HABs), collecting baseline water quality of our rivers, coordinating marine debris and community cleanups, and monitoring outdoor air quality

YTT Enviornmental

Subsistence fisheries have always been and will remain a priority for YTT leadership, tribal members, and the community of Yakutat. The Fisheries Program allows for active participation in subsistence management decisions that impact our tribal members and resources.

Our Projects

yakutat environmental outreACH RESOURCES

Invasive Species Prevention

An invasive species can be any kind of non-native living organism that invades an ecosystem where it doesn’t belong and causes harm. 

LEO Network

A statewide organization where communities can share unusual environmental observations and receive insights and information from environmental professionals.

Energy Efficiency

Find ways to increase your home and appliance energy efficiency by upgrading appliances and retrofitting your homes.

Air Quality and Health

Learn what should or should not be burned to prevent the release of harmful chemicals that may increase your risk of health problems or damage appliances.

Native Pollinators, Plants, and Gardening

Discover Alaska’s primary native pollinators and the important role they play in pollinating Alaska crops.

Food Waste and Composting

Effective ways to reduce food waste and save money; and everything you need to know about composting.

Latest News

Situk River Partners Meeting Summary: March 13, 2020

By Havaleh Rohloff, Fisheries BiologistYTT encourages its members to comment on Situk River management by ...
/ Environmental, Fisheries
shellfish toxin results march 12, 2020


YTT Environmental Department’s latest sampling of butter clams, cockles, and little necks shows significant shellfish ...

Situk River Partners Meeting Agenda

All stakeholders and Situk River user groups are welcome to attend the Situk River Partners ...
/ Environmental, Fisheries

Yakutat Fish and Game Advisory Committee Meeting and Elections

The following notice is originally published in the State of Alaska Online Public Notices Website ...
/ Environmental, Fisheries

Public Invited to Teleconference Into Southeast Alaska Subsistence Advisory Council Meeting

The Southeast Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council is set to meet November 5-7, 2019. The ...
/ Environmental

Public Comment Period for Proposed Changes to Roadless Rule in Tongass National Forest Open Until December 17th

A 60-day public comment period has now opened with the US Forest Service regarding proposed ...
/ Environmental

Let us know how we can help.

Leave us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

    Environmental Staff:

    Mary Porter – Environmental Director

    Havaleh Rohloff – Fisheries Biologist

    Nicole Hebel –  Environmental Specialist

    Janie Jensen – Environmental Specialist 

    Brady Skidmore – Fisheries Specialist

    Alfredo “Freddie” Mũoz Jr. – Environmental Specialist/Compost Manager


    Matthew Anderstrom – Food Sovereignty Project Coordinator

    Michelle Meyer – Strategic Initiatives & Indigenous Guardians Manager

    Joseph Valle – Restoration & Stewardship Planning Coordinator

    Charles Klushkan – Realty Office