To empower our tribal community to thrive for generations to come by contributing positively to Haa Shagoon, our legacy as the People of Yaakwdáat
Welcome to the official website of the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe.
YTT Newsletter Vol.2 Spring 2023
The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe launches the second volume of Haa Kusteeyi: Our Way of Being, our official newsletter.
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Culture Camp 2021
The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe is hosting a Day Culture Camp at the Situk River for campers ages 5-17 on July 12 to 26, 2021!
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Culture Camp Modifications | June 4, 2021
YTT is seeking a Request for Proposal from qualified contractors for modifications to the Culture Camp site at Strawberry Point.
YTT Culture Camp 2021 Job Openings. APPLY TODAY!
The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe is now hiring for these open positions for the YTT 2021 Culture Camp! Click here to see available jobs and APPLY TODAY!
Recent Posts
YTT Newsletter Vol. 2June 13, 2023/0 Comments
YTT Newsletter Vol. 1February 6, 2023/
2022 Housing RFPJuly 19, 2022/

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What makes us who we are
An Intimate Connection to Our Lands
Haa Aaní, Haa Kusteeyí
The Tlingit people have a very strong historic, cultural, linguistic & spiritual connection to their land.
Our way of life
Haa Shagoon
We have a lengthy history of reliance on our habitat – subsisting off of the abundant Alaskan Wildlife.
Culture and Tradition
Our practiced customs, songs and dances, and traditional ceremonies which were passed down through generations with pride and dignity validate our identity and culture.
The Tlingit Language
Lingít Yoo X̲ʼatángi
Our Tlingit identity is born through our language; and through our language, we get to see the way our ancestors truly saw the world.
arts and crafts
Arts and Crafts
The distinctive art of the Tlingit is reflective of their culture, ancestry, and collaborative histories.
Respect for nature
Ldakát át a yáa ayaduwanéi
The Tlingit believe that every creature has a soul and all life is of equal value; plants, trees, birds, fish, animals, and human beings are equally respected.