Haa Yaakwadáat Lingít Yoo X’atángi Kúdi: Yakutat Tlingit Language Nest Application for Academic Year 2019-20

The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe is excited to announce that Haa Yaakwdáat Lingít Yoo X’atángi Kúdi: Our Yakutat Tlingit Language Nest for academic year 2019-20 is starting on November 11, 2019!

Kids ages 2-7 are invited and encouraged to join the Nest! Submit your applications to the YTT Main Office today! Deadline for applications is October 31, 2019.

Note: There will be a cap of 15 students for this year’s Language Nest, so hurry up and fill out those application forms!

Please click the link below to open the Language Nest Application form.